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Act! Training


Training is an integral part of getting the most out your CRM software

DDM provides different levels of training either onsite  or in-house.
As most CRM Solutions have many advanced features, it is highly recommended that
all users should get trained so they can take advantage of these features.

ACT! emarketing Training

The latest version of Act ships with a Free subscription to Act emarketing. Learn to use this powerful tool to generate leads and easily guage customer and prospect interest and engagement through reporting. Learn how to create simple webforms that capture leads, create professional eye-catching email campaigns and zero in on your hottest leads with the intelligent Call Lists. Learn to how to recordd results to history and view insightful and actionable results and metrics.  

ACT! End User training

This course is essential for all end users of the database. It covers a general introduction to Act and how to get started, Management of Contacts & data input, Features of the Contact list, Scheduling and Managing activities, How to use the Look Up options, Writing documents & Mail Merges, Creating and Managing Sales Opportunities, Working with Groups & Companies, Email Integration, Running Reports, Remote Users and Synchronisation & Administration and Dashboards. The course aims to show the trainees how ACT! will benefit them in the workplace on an everyday basis. 

ACT! Administrator Training

Administrators are responsible for the smooth running of the database, and the weekly maintenance. Only they can perform database maintenance or back up information. This course covers Act Installation & Configuration, Managing users, Remote database synchronisation, Backup and Maintenance, Reports – Customisation & Creation, Database and Layout Customisation, Data Import/Export, Custom Commands – modify tool menus and Use of the Act! Diagnostic tool

Sales Training with ACT!

Devised in response to requests from our customers, this course addresses the correct use of ACT! for sales and marketing results. It is invaluable to anyone wishing to improve and broaden their use Act in the Sales environment. This course can be tailored for in-house purposes to the exact requirements of your company. Based on the Dale Carnegie Sales System, with which Sales Pipeline feature in ACT! was developed, this course shows how to use these functions to benefit your sales team.

In-house Training

Our in-house training courses are tailored to your company's needs and can include exercises specific to your database and working habits. The training focuses on the best practices for ACT! usage to ensure the integrity of the database information, and establish a standard procedure within your company to reap the maximum potential benefits from using ACT! Training has more relevance for your delegates when working on their own database.